Thursday, June 2

Pazhamporipuram - The City Of Pazhampori


Who are we ?

malayalam-news-and-entertainmentWe are the first content aggregating Malayalam entertainment platform.An internet and media news company from Kerala.

We create and curates the most viral stories from around the globe relevant to the people of Kerala.In other words you can say this is the place where all the Malayalam speaking people gather to pass time other than using Facebook.

What sort of name is this ?

"Pazhamporipuram" is a fictional city created by our team."Pazhampori" is the most liked and common evening snack [banana fritters] that we malaylis enjoy and "Puram" in malayalam means city or town.

Let me explain this more.I assume most of you guys have played Farmville game on Facebook right ? they named the game in such a way that the title means a town where people farm.As the word "ville" means city,the word "puram" in Malayalam means town or city.

So hence the name.A place where people eat and enjoy the magical snack called "Pazhampori" while debating about current affairs and participating in loose talks :) Feel free to ask your further queries in the comment section.